Members' Week: Contact - Are we getting it right for children and young people?


“We know that what every child needs throughout their life is a stable, loving family life that is or becomes their secure base. As a part of this, the child’s curiosity about their past including their birth family and other people who were important to them such as foster carers must be acknowledged and accommodated.” Sir Andrew McFarlane, the Mayflower Lecture, 2023

Join us for a keynote address on the importance of modernising contact arrangements in adoption, fostering and kinship care by Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division.

This short lecture, with Q and A, is for members to hear and engage in meaningful discussions on contact and staying connected. Through open, collaborative dialogue, it aims to inform members of the current landscape in contact and some of the changes it requires to better meet the needs of children and young people.  


  • Understanding the historic context and legal precedent: Develop your understanding of the historical context of adoption in the UK and the current legal view on contact arrangements. 
  • Modernisation of contact: Hear the views of the public law working group (PLWG) on modernising contact to support the best interests of the child in adoption, fostering and kinship. 
  • Best practice on contact: Understand the vital role of social work in delivering positive outcomes on contact and how to work with the courts to ensure a child has appropriate contact arrangements at placement. 


Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and Head of Family Justice 

Sir Andrew McFarlane PC is a British judge. He was appointed an Assistant Recorder in 1995, a Recorder in 1999 and a deputy High Court Judge in 2000. He was appointed as a judge of the High Court of Justice on 18 April 2005 and assigned to the Family Division, receiving the customary knighthood.  

McFarlane was the Family Division Liaison Judge for the Midland Circuit from 2006 until his appointment as a Lord Justice of Appeal on 28 July 2011, whereupon he received the customary appointment to the Privy Council. On 28 July 2018, he was appointed President of the Family Division. 

Chair: Alexandra Conroy-Harris, Legal Consultant 

Alexandra was called to the Bar in 1989, and spent nine years in private practice, representing children, families and local authorities, followed by nine years as a Senior Child Care Lawyer in a London local authority before joining BAAF as Legal Consultant in 2008. Her CoramBAAF role involves writing and advising and training on all aspects of the adoption and fostering process, as well as advising the IRM Cymru. Until recently she was combining her part-time role at CoramBAAF with employment as a child care lawyer in a North-East local authority, and now maintains hands-on experience with some private practice at the Bar. 


This session is for professionals working in adoption, fostering and kinship care that are interested in contact and its potential to deliver lifelong positive outcomes for children. It offers an opportunity to hear the expert insight of the current President of the Family Division on current contact arrangements and future progress. 

For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).


Members: FREE (don't forget to log in to your account to receive your discount)
Non-members: £20+VAT.

Places on this event are limited, so early booking is recommended.


Telephone 020 7520 7520/0310




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