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Members' Week: Keeping in touch in kinship arrangements


Join our Kinship Consultants Ann Horne and Clare Seth for a session exploring how kinship families can be supported to enable children to stay in touch with the important people in their lives. Using case studies from their own practice experience, Clare and Ann will reflect together on the uniqueness of each kinship family, what support was needed, and what worked.

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Members' Week: Virtual Schools and social work - supporting the education of care experienced learners


Virtual Schools have been a feature of the landscape in Scotland since 2019 and England since 2014 yet a series of recent publications have pointed towards a poor understanding of the valuable work they carry out. This session is an opportunity to hear from the Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection (CELCIS) in Scotland and the National Association of Virtual School Heads (NAVSH) in England on how virtual schools support care experienced children and young people.

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Members' Week: “What’s the point?” - How does CAMHS listen to young people with a social worker?


Despite the long-standing policy push to include young people’s perspectives in their mental health care, research about young people with social work involvement has consistently shown that they feel they are not listened to. We examine the notes of 70 young people with a social worker (comprising 16,566 unique case notes) accessing one Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). Our team of five researchers, including three experts-by-experiences, applied discourse analyses to the notes to examine how these young people’s knowledge of their lives and needs was situated.

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Exploring Expertise: Kinship Care Week


Join us for an informative and interactive event exploring good practice in the early identification of prospective kinship carers. We are delighted to announce a panel of professionals from Tower Hamlets and Birmingham Children's Trust who will join our kinship consultants and outbound permanence advisor for a discussion on prospective kinship carers in the UK and abroad.

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Private Fostering Awareness Day: Breakfast briefing


A child who is cared for by someone who is not a close relative for more than 28 days is living in a private fostering arrangement. All local authorities have a responsibility to raise awareness of private fostering in their area. CoramBAAF has listened to and liaised with members and is delighted to announce this national Private Fostering Awareness Day. Join Ann Horne and Clare Seth for a free and open access Breakfast Briefing – An Introduction to Private Fostering.

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