TTT devising a care plan cover

Ten top tips for devising a care plan


The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners.

Care planning is at the heart of everything that social workers and others do for looked after children. A good care plan provides children with a secure base, and ensures that they avoid drift, delay and unnecessary moves. Poor care planning can mean that children have no place that feels like “home”, and experience consequent lack of self-esteem and resilience. How can social workers ensure that their care planning is well considered and meets children’s needs?

This quick reference guide considers some fundamental steps involved in devising a care plan.

Who is this book for?

All practitioners involved in devising care plans for children will find this book invaluable for quick reference and considered, practical advice, as well as a prompt for further thought and exploration.

What you will find in this book

Each of the ten chapters presents a basic “tip” in an accessible and straightforward style, including:

  • making the care plan child-specific and meaningful
  • making individual care plans based on good assessment
  • understanding the unique qualities of each child
  • involving others
  • considering all the options
  • knowing when it’s safe enough to go home
  • considering care by friends and relatives
  • considering fostering
  • considering adoption
  • considering residential care

Case studies, suggestions for practical activities and reading lists for those who want to explore the subject in greater detail are also included throughout.


Erica Amende worked as BAAF’s Regional Director in Central and Northern England for ten years. She is currently a Professional Adviser for the Independent Review Mechanism. Linda Patterson has worked as a social worker and Children’s Guardian and currently manages a local authority placement, permanence and support service with responsibility for fostering, adoption and all permanent placements for looked after children and young people.


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