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Access to children’s social care files


All young people who are either care experienced or had social workers involved in their childhood, have the right to access the information that is written about them and saved on their files. In this open course, we examine these legal rights and the various legal frameworks that govern the processes around accessing care files. We consider best practice in supporting young people to access their care files, as well as consider the psychological and emotional benefits.

Access to children’s social care files


All young people who are either care experienced or had social workers involved in their childhood, have the right to access the information that is written about them and saved on their files. In this open course, we examine these legal rights and the various legal frameworks that govern the processes around care files. We consider best practice in supporting young people to access their care files, as well as consider the psychological and emotional benefits.

Undertaking a foster carer annual review


Annual Reviews are an essential part of our statutory support and supervision of foster carers. In this open course, we explore how to complete an annual review well. We explore how to ensure the review meets the needs of the Fostering Service to be legally compliant, but also of carers to feel valued and supported, whilst keeping children at the centre of the process.  

Undertaking a foster carer annual review


Annual Reviews are an essential part of our statutory support and supervision of foster carers. In this open course, we explore how to complete an annual review well. We explore how to ensure the review meets the needs of the Fostering Service to be legally compliant, but also of carers to feel valued and supported, whilst keeping children at the centre of the process.  

Exploring Expertise: Objects and their stories


The objects around us are intertwined with our feelings and experiences. Exploring our relationship with objects can help us tell our stories and give us a greater understanding of other people and ourselves. This free taster session is an introduction to some of the concepts we will be looking at in full training session.

Exploring Expertise: Trauma-informed support for birth parents to end repeat removals


A large proportion of children entering care are from families who have previously had a child removed from their care: almost half (47%) of all newborns who are subject to care proceedings were born to mothers who had previously been subject to care proceedings regarding their older sibling. Pause is a national charity working to improve the lives of women who have had - or are at risk of having - more than one child removed from their care, and the services and systems that affect them. At this participatory session, we will explore learnings from the past ten years of providing support to parents who have had children removed from their care and set out the case for support services for birth parents.

Where did my Dinosaur go?

Bookshop product- 978 1 913384 28 9 - Paul Calder, Amelia Goswell, Bradley Kemp, Meryl Westlake and Eva A Sprecher, Lauren Fernandes

The meerkats Mia and Kit do not like their new home, not one bit of it! They don’t like their new routine, their new bedroom, or new foods for dinner – and most of all, they definitely do not like their new carer, Becky the capybara. But when the meerkats stay with Becky, they discover that a new home can be OK, and sometimes it’s alright to trust new people.

Placing children with relatives overseas

Bookshop product- N/A - Cathie Jenkins and Sandra Latter

This Practice Note emphasises the initial aspects to consider before seeking to assess a potential kinship carer who lives overseas. It is not intended to cover all aspects of the topic, but to help establish basic eligibility.

Fostering unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children eBook only

Bookshop product- 1 903699 54 1 - Selam Kidane and Penny Amerena

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children have survived the consequences of conflict and persecution – trauma, injury, pain, loss and separation. Once in the UK, local authorities have a duty to look after these vulnerable children to the same standards as any other looked after child, with an increasing number in foster care. Foster carers need formal training to give them additional understanding and skills to add to their existing experience and commitment. This training course provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues.