Alternatives to custody
This book is one of the main outcomes of a two-year pan-European project on developing intensive and remand fostering programmes for young people in conflict with the law, who might otherwise be in custody. As an alternative to custody, foster care can provide a critically important role in delivering child-friendly justice, providing safe care, nurturing relationships, and providing boundaries and structured caregiving. This unique resources explores the issues and the role that foster care can play, studies the different policy and legislative environments in four European countries, and provides a training course for prospective foster carers.
This book makes a powerful case for the role that intensive and remand fostering can play to bring about significant positive effects for young people in conflict with the law, and is essential reading for policy makers and practitioners involved in fostering and youth justice services.
What this book includes
This book explores these issues in depth. The first part sets out a context and examines the limited role that foster care currently plays in youth justice, and the potential for its expanded use. An overview sets out the key international and European juvenile justice and children’s rights standards, the EU policy context, and the components found in effective youth justice systems, including prevention, diversion and community-level services. The second part contains policy overviews from Italy, Bulgaria, England and Hungary, containing each country’s achievements, needs and shortcomings in youth justice. Chapters on setting up and operating a fostering service for children in conflict with the law and setting out a quality standards framework offer practical tools. The third section of the book comprises a training programme to prepare and train prospective foster carers for the task of fostering children in conflict with the law. Presented in a clear and practical way, it offers a preparation course that is informative and equips prospective foster carers with knowledge and skills.
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