Devising a placement plan
This guide has been written to help social workers understand the process for completing the Placement Plan and how it links to the Care Plan, and the health and education plans required by the Care Planning, Placements and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010. The Placement Plan replaces the Foster Placement Agreement previously required by Regulation 34(3) of the Fostering Regulations 2002, and now forms part of the overarching Care Plan.
The guide accompanies the CoramBAAF Placement Plan for Fostering Placements form, which can also be used by local authorities and independent fostering providers as a template. It can also be used independently by authorities that have already devised a Placement Plan form.
This 2018 edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to take account of all recent legislative and practice changes. The form associated with the book, CoramBAAF's Placement Plan for Fostering Placements, has also been revised to take account of these changes.
Who is this book for?
All those involved in devising Placement Plans for children moving to foster care.
What you will find in this book
Logically structured and very accessibly presented, this guide includes information on:
- who should complete the Placement Plan
- placement planning meetings
- how to complete the Placement Plan form including helpful advice on gathering information on: placement details; living together; self-care skills/preparing for independence; social and leisure activities; health issues; emotional and behavioural development; education; identity; contact issues; and social worker visits
The guide also includes useful appendices, including the Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool; relevant extracts from Schedule 2 of the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010, and Delegating Authority to Foster Carers – things you need to know.
Elaine Dibben has over 20 years’ experience of working in adoption and fostering in local authority and voluntary adoption agency settings. She was manager of the Independent Review Mechanism, which she set up, until taking on a role in BAAF as a trainer consultant. She is now CoramBAAF’s Adoption Development Consultant alongside acting as a panel chair for both adoption and fostering panels.
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