CoramBAAF Bookshop

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Adoption & Fostering Supplement: 40 years

| CoramBAAF

To mark 40 years of BAAF/CoramBAAF, CoramBAAF's John Simmonds selects a series seminal articles from Adoption & Fostering that illustrate some of the most significant themes that have arisen over the years, featuring some of the UK’s most knowledgeable scholars and practitioners working in child care practice and research.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

| Multiple

In this special edition of the journal, experts tackle the realities of FASD and answer key questions, including: how does prenatal exposure to alcohol affect the developing brain?; how much (or little) is the problem understood by professional groups?; what are the experiences of community paediatricians, teachers and adoptive parents working on the ground?; and why does UK policy on abstinence from alcohol in pregnancy lag so far behind that of other countries?