CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 101 - 110 of 110

Care or control?

| Jo Lipscombe

Since the early 1990s, the number of children and young people remanded to custody has more than doubled and continues to increase. This timely study explores the use of foster care as an alternative to custodial and residential accommodation for young people on remand.

Attachment for foster care and adoption

| Mary Beek and Gillian Schofield

This training programme will provide workers and carers with a framework both for understanding the thinking and behaviour of the children in their care and for helping children to settle and flourish in their family placements. It accompanies the handbook and DVD of the same name.

If you don't stick with me, who will? eBook only

| Edited by Henrietta Bond

This is a book about ordinary people who have done extraordinary things. It is a collection of first-person accounts from foster carers, who tell us what it's like to foster children and young people, many of whom have experienced loss, trauma, abuse, or just a very difficult start in life. Invariably, they experience problems, challenges and disappointments, but also the successes, triumphs and rewards that fostering can offer.

Welcoming children into your neighbourhood

| Jane Espley

Children who are adopted or fostered and children who are seeking asylum are all trying to survive things that have happened to them in the past. This may make them behave differently to other children, perhaps in a way that could cause problems in a community. This short guide will help people to understand more about these children, their background and behaviour, and to think about ways in which they can welcome and support them.

Fostering unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children eBook only

| Selam Kidane and Penny Amerena

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children have survived the consequences of conflict and persecution – trauma, injury, pain, loss and separation. Once in the UK, local authorities have a duty to look after these vulnerable children to the same standards as any other looked after child, with an increasing number in foster care. Foster carers need formal training to give them additional understanding and skills to add to their existing experience and commitment. This training course provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues.

Growing up in foster care eBook only

| Gillian Schofield, Mary Beek and Kay Sargent with June Thoburn

Long-term foster care is rarely mentioned as a positive option; yet, for a significant group of vulnerable children, growing up in a long-term foster family is their best chance of a secure family life. This research study provides a fascinating insight into the experiences of 58 children, their foster carers, a sample of their birth parents and their social workers.

We are fostering

| Jean Camis

This is a life story workbook which will help birth children to know themselves, their history and their role in the family, prior to fostered children coming to live in their family. There is information about what fostering, adoption, and getting "approved" before having children to stay, mean. Working through this book will help prepare birth children to welcome new arrivals into their homes and lives.

Testing the limits of foster care

| Moira Walker, Malcolm Hill and John Triseliotis

This study looks at a pioneering scheme - the Community Alternative Placement Scheme (CAPS) - set up by NCH Action for Children in Scotland to offer fostering placements for young people whose behaviour would place them beyond the limits of ‘normal’ foster care and who might otherwise be placed in secure care. The revealing findings are invaluable for foster care practitioners and managers.

A child's journey through placement

| Vera I Fahlberg, MD

Separation, loss, grief and change are expected parts of the experience of children in placement. How do those charged with the responsibility of planning for these children address their needs? This essential reference book - a 'must-read' text for more than 20 years - contains the theoretical knowledge base and skills necessary for understanding, working with and planning for children and their families.