CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Attachment for foster care and adoption DVD

| Mary Beek and Gillian Schofield

This DVD accompanies the handbook and training programme of the same name, and supports each module in the training programme. The programme will provide workers and carers with a framework both for understanding the thinking and behaviour of the children in their care and for helping children to settle and flourish in their family placements.  

Preparing to adopt DVD

| Barbara Hutchinson, Ian Millar, Pat Beesley and Sushila de Sousa

This established and highly-respected adoption training programme sets out a far-reaching and inclusive approach to preparing adopters. This edition of the programme meets the legislative requirements for both procedure and practice in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The DVD is designed to accompany the training pack and applicant's handbook and to be used in adoption preparation training.