CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 1 - 10 of 19

Matching children from England with adopters approved in Scotland

| Jane Poore, Alexandra Conroy-Harris, AFKA Scotland.

This Practice Note offers guidance on key aspects of children moving cross-border from England to Scotland to be placed with adopters approved in Scotland, specifically addressing common queries received by AFKA Scotland and CoramBAAF’s Advice Line.

Placing children with relatives overseas

| Cathie Jenkins and Sandra Latter

This Practice Note emphasises the initial aspects to consider before seeking to assess a potential kinship carer who lives overseas. It is not intended to cover all aspects of the topic, but to help establish basic eligibility.

Unlawful placements in kinship care

| Ann Horne, Alexandra Conroy Harris, and Augusta Itua

In many situations, the reality of the placement becoming unlawful speaks more to the limitations of the regulations themselves, than whether the placement is the best place for a child to live. In an effort to help practitioners navigate these challenges, we have published the following a practice note.

Practice Note 73. Disabled Foster Carers

| Dr Peter Unwin / Becki Meakin / Alexandra Jones

This Practice Note considers the recruitment, assessment and support of disabled foster carers, with exploration of why such carers may be less likely than others to be taken on by agencies, and the benefits they can bring for children.

Practice Note 71. Writing a Fostering Panel Annual Report

| Paul Adams

This Practice Note explores exactly what should be covered in a fostering panel Annual Report including panel membership, casework, recommendations and decisions, themes, issues from previous panel reports and user feedback.