CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 11 - 18 of 18

Practice Note 68. Reducing the risks of environmental tobacco smoke for looked after children and their carers

| Mary Mather and Karen Lehner, revised and updated by Ellie Johnson

This Practice Note updates previous CoramBAAF guidance in the light of changing scientific information and the improved understanding of the effects on health of exposure to passive or second-hand smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco. This guidance also considers the use of electronic cigarettes/vaping devices by substitute carers.

Practice Note 67. Local authorities' duty of fairness towards a parent seeking to revoke a placement order

| CoramBAAF and Coram Children’s Legal Centre

When a parent seeks permission to appeal against the placement order or permission to apply to revoke the placement order, the local authority is faced with decisions about how to avoid delay in progressing the adoption plan for the child that the court has authorised, while also respecting the parent’s legal right to either appeal or to seek to revoke the order.

Practice Note 59. The provision of information to Fostering for Adoption carers

| CoramBAAF

This Practice Note provides information and guidance on the development and increased use of Fostering for Adoption placements. Raising questions and challenges about the information that should, and can legally, be provided to Fostering for Adoption carers, i.e. any dually-approved carers, including Regulation 25A carers, considering a placement under s.22C(9B)(c) of the Children Act (CA) 1989 in England.