CoramBAAF Webinar

Exploring Expertise: The IRM


This webinar will give a brief history of The Independent Review Mechanism (IRM).

The session will provide insight to:  

  • How has the service changed since it began?
  • Who can apply and in what circumstances, what are the criteria for applications to be refused?
  • Who is involved in the IRM and what do they do?
  • What happens to applications – what are the processes before, during and after the actual IRM panel
  • How is any learning shared, what are the trends at the moment?


The session will be facilitated by Maureen O'Loughlin, IRM Contract Manager. 

Maureen is a registered Social Worker with experience in fostering and adoption, formerly a Children’s Guardian Panel Manager and Director of Social Work courses at a university. She became an Independent Social Worker undertaking court assessments alongside chairing fostering and adoption panels and the IRM. She has a long term interest in fostering and adoption including being a “bridge” foster carer in the past. She became Contract Manager for the IRM in 2016.


The session is aimed at social work managers, supervising social workers, children’s social workers, panel chairs, foster carers and adopters and other professionals.

Members can watch recordings of previous Exploring Expertise webinars here

For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).


Members: FREE (don't forget to log in to your account to receive your discount)
Non-members: £20+VAT.

Places on this event are limited, so early booking is recommended.


Telephone 020 7520 7520





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