Exploring Expertise:the impact of neglect and abuse on developing sensorimotor systems- An Introduction to the BUSS Model
A child’s foundation sensorimotor systems grow through lots of nurture, touch and movement in their early months and years. These systems give us a sense of ourselves on a bodily level – so things like having good balance and coordination as well as understanding information from inside our bodies (e.g. when we feel hungry or cold, and managing the sounds and feel of the outside world without being overwhelmed by them). Within nurturing relationships, babies progress through critical patterns of movement that allow the brain and central nervous system to develop so that we can manage to do all of this without using much conscious attention. Where children have had a difficult start in life, these processes have been disrupted.
However, by bringing together sensory integration and attachment theory alongside an understanding of the impact of trauma on the developing brain, it’s possible to use games and activities, working with parents / carers and their children to rebuild these systems and help children to thrive. Sarah and one of the BUSS parent mentors will share their experiences of helping children who are adopted, in fostering and kinship care to repair underdeveloped sensorimotor systems. They will discuss how to implement this understanding in practice and the session will include an opportunity to ask questions and share practice experiences.
The session is aimed at foster carers, adopters, supervising social workers, children’s social workers, social work managers, health professionals and anyone else involved in or interested in the impact of neglect and abuse on developing sensorimotor systems and the BUSS Model.
Members can watch recordings of previous Exploring Expertise webinars here
This session will be presented by Sarah and parent mentors from the BUSS team. Sarah Lloyd is a Specialist Children's Occupational Therapist, Play Therapist and Author of the BUSS Model – BUSS - Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems in children who have experienced developmental trauma. Sarah has published two books: Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatised Children (2016) and Building Sensorimotor Systems in Children with Developmental Trauma (2020).
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