CoramBAAF Webinar

Learning from Research: The wellbeing of children in care - comparing those in kinship and unrelated foster care

The Bright Spots Programme is a partnership between Coram Voice and the University of Oxford, funded by the Hadley Trust. It supports local authorities to systematically listen to their children in care and care leavers, about the things that are important to them


The presentation will use data from the Bright Spots Programme and  examine the views of over 1,200 children (4-10yrs)  and young people (11-18yrs)  in kinship foster care in 38 local authorities. 

On a number of well-being indicators, children  and young people in kinship foster care were doing better or at least as well as those in unrelated foster care. However, there were also areas where policy and services need to understand the greater difficulty and complexity for kinship children such as  identifying kinship placements earlier, housing issues, financial support, bullying at school and relationships with social workers. 


Julie Selwyn is Professor of Education and Adoption at the Rees Centre, Department of Education, University of Oxford.   She is a qualified social worker who worked in residential, child protection, fostering and adoption teams before moving into academia. Her recent work has focused on understanding the subjective wellbeing of children in care and care leavers. Working collaboratively with Coram Voice (a children’s rights charity) online surveys have been completed by more than 15, 000 care experienced young people (age 4 to 25 years) giving a unique insight into their lives and what really matters.

Linda Briheim is Head of Policy and Practice Development at Coram Voice, a children’s rights charity part of the Coram Group of charities. Linda has worked in policy, research and practice improvement for two decades, specialising in children in care and care leaver issues since 2008. At Coram Voice she seeks to develop the voice of children and young people in the services that they receive.  With her team Linda delivers programmes that focus policy and practice improvement through rigorous research, co-production and engagement with children in care and care leavers, including the Bright Spots programme, A National Voice, and peer research.  Her particular expertise include designing programmes together with children and young people, translating research into policy and practice, developing partnerships to improve services and understanding children and young people’s perspectives, in particular children in care and care leavers subjective well-being. 

For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).

Members can watch recordings of previous Learning from Research Webinars here


The session is aimed at social workers, managers, panel members, researchers, other professionals, foster and kinship carers, as well as special guardians and adopters. It is also relevant to those involved or interested in long term research and its influence on practice.



Places on this event are limited, so early booking is recommended.


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