The new CPR (Child's Permanence Report) England (2025) and accompanying guidance have been developed by CoramBAAF alongside a working group of practitioners, including children’s social workers, family finders, panel chairs, advisers and adopters. We have also consulted birth parents and other stakeholders.  

Feedback was gained through a pilot of the form by Regional Adoption Agencies (RAAs) and Local Authorities (LAs) during 2024 and consultations with Adoption UK and relevant CoramBAAF forums. The form is compliant with relevant law, regulations and statutory guidance.  

The CPR (Child's Permanence Report) England (2025) is an essential tool in enabling the adoption agency to plan for the future life of a child. Adopted adults have a legal right to have a copy of the document. It is designed to be used at key stages of the adoption process – care planning (Agency Decision Maker decision), court application for a Placement Order, as a source of information through matching and as a resource for the child into adulthood.

Upcoming briefing sessions


Adult and child looking at a form

Child's Permanence Report (CPR) England: Briefing session

2 April | 9am - 9.55am | Online via Zoom

Open to all

3 April

12pm - 12.55pm | Online via Zoom

Open to all

7 May

2pm - 2.55pm | Online via Zoom

Open to all

8 May

9am - 9.55am | Online via Zoom

Open to all

The AFDiT framework: Briefing sessions

The Anti-racist Framework for Decision-making in Transitioning children from minoritised racial and ethnic groups into transracial adoptive families (AFDiT), developed by Dr Tam Cane at University of Sussex, is embedded in the CPR.

To support you in your practice, we are delighted that Dr Cane will be joining us to deliver two free webinars about how this research has been embedded into the form, and what that means for social workers.

Session one

10 April | 12pm - 12.55pm | Zoom

Book now

Session two

15 May | 12pm - 12.55pm | Zoom

Book now

Open courses and commissioned training

Browse our open course programme or get in touch about our commissioned and bespoke training opportunities. Take a look at the training below to develop your skills and knowledge in regards to completing a Child Permanence Report.


Undertaking a Child Permanence Report

The Child Permanence Report (CPR) is the primary document used by the Agency Decision Maker to reach their decision that the child ‘should be placed for adoption’. The CPR also provides information for adoption panels to reach their recommendations when children are being placed for adoption with the consent of their birth parents.

Find out more