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Medical advisers for adoption and fostering update day


Been a medical advisor in the UK a while ? Already attended our child and adult health assessment workshops previously?
Feeling like you’re not sure what’s going on outside your patch? Wanting to learn from others in your role?
Then the Medical Advisor Update day is for you!

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Chairing fostering and adoption panels


The responsibilities of a Chair can be considerable. Whereas some duties may be clearly outlined in related practice guidance along with the qualities that ensure effective chairing, not all Chair responsibilities are so helpfully detailed or provided. This workshop will explore general planning for and facilitation of panels and complex meetings in the children’s sector. It will explore time management and group facilitation whilst holding the child at the centre of thinking, recommendations and decision making. It will enable Chairs of meetings to consider good practice and approaches to effectively managing the flow of information, summarising and the formation of key action plans.

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Getting started in: Health’s role in fostering, adoption and kinship


As the UK’s leading membership organisation for professionals working across adoption, fostering and kinship care we want to equip professionals like you with the knowledge, best practices, and resources needed to improve the lives of children and young people. This is why we are launching a breakfast webinar series to help you get started in adoption, fostering and kinship care.

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SAVE THE DATE: Annual Health Conference 2025

| London

The annual health conference is a key event in the calendar of medical advisers, doctors and nurses working with care experienced and adopted children. It is a conference that brings together practice and ideas that are current, relevant to you, and which matter. Join us for a day of learning, networking and reflection on 30 June 2025.

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Medical advisers for adoption and fostering update day


Been a medical advisor in the UK a while ? Already attended our child and adult health assessment workshops previously?
Feeling like you’re not sure what’s going on outside your patch? Wanting to learn from others in your role?
Then the Medical Advisor Update day is for you!

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An introduction to neurodiversity in adoption, fostering and kinship care


Let's acknowledge and celebrate difference. Understand neurodiversity as a natural variation to ‘the norm’ rather than as something that is disordered, dysfunctional or deficient. This session is an introduction to aspects of neurodiversity including autism, dyslexia and ADHD. It will give an overview to increase participants' knowledge and develop confidence in the subject.

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