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Learning from Research: Post-adoption depression - research, recognition and response


Post-adoption depression (PAD) is more common than often realised, but it can be difficult for adoptive parents to discuss. If left unaddressed, PAD can lead to long-term challenges for both the parent and child. Adoptive parents may fear that sharing their emotional struggles could jeopardise the adoption. The adoption process itself can be exhausting, with intense emotional and logistical demands. It is crucial for parents to know they are not alone and that their experiences are valid.

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Learning from Research: In their own words - care experienced young people on local and national policy


The National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF) is a collaborative network of over 130 local authority leaving care teams, focused on improving services and support for care-experienced young people. Its central goal is to amplify the voices of these young people and ensure their input shapes the forum's decisions and priorities. The forum encourages local authorities to involve as many young people as possible in the Young People’s Benchmarking Forum (YPBMF) to help drive positive change and share best practices.

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