Working together for children in care
CoramBAAF is the UK’s leading membership organisation for professionals working across adoption, fostering and kinship care.
More about usWhat's new
From Form C to Form K: the new standard for assessment
To align with the national policy reform agenda and address the complexity and importance of kinship care, we have collaborated with carers, practitioners, managers and parents to review Form C resulting in the creation of Form K to enable comprehensive assessments of prospective kinship carers.
Read more2025 – a big year for CoramBAAF’s forms
We have been updating and revising a number of our core forms as well as developing a new one with partners. We are reaching the exciting point of being ready to share these updates and revisions with our members and forms licence holders.
Read moreChild safety advice saves lives: how to safely position a child in a baby sling carrier
The recently published coroner's report into the death of a child while being carried hands-free in a baby sling carrier, follows a number of deaths worldwide of babies linked to incorrect positioning in harness and sling type carriers. CoramBAAF encourages our members to make parents and carers aware of good sources of child safety advice when using slings.
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Whether you’re part of an organisation, an individual member, or a student, here’s what you need to do to set up your website account.
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Our forums provide our members with a unique opportunity to discuss professional practice and share knowledge and expertise with colleagues.
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Exploring Expertise: Lifelong Links - creating lasting support networks for children in care
11 February | 11.30am - 1pm | Zoom
Lifelong Links is an innovative initiative developed by Family Rights Group that connects children in care and care leavers with individuals who care about them. Recent research conducted revealed a critical flaw in the care and child welfare system. When children enter care, many important relationships are disrupted. Join our webinar to find out more!

Kinship Care Assessment (Form K) England: Briefing session
12 February | 9am - 9.55am | Zoom
We are pleased to announce the release of the updated Kinship Care Assessment (Form K) for England. The renaming of the form to 'Form K' aligns with the national policy reform agenda and highlights the increasing recognition of the complexity and significance of kinship care when children are unable to stay with their parents. Our presenters are Ann Horne and Clare Seth, our Kinship Care Consultants. Join our webinar to find out more!

Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England: Briefing session
18 February | 12pm – 12.55pm | Zoom
CoramBAAF is excited to announce the release of the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) for England, developed with input from Adoption England, a 2024 pilot with five RAAs, and consultations with Adoption UK. Join our session to find out more!
Starter packs for newly qualified social workers
To help newly qualified social workers, or those that want to refresh their knowledge, we have created a fostering and adoption starter pack. You will receive our top selling titles at a discounted price.
Fostering starter pack
Get 'Fostering now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £35 (usually £49.90).
Find out moreAdoption starter pack
Get 'Adoption now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £40 (usually £54.90).
Find out more