Facilitating adoptions from care cover

Facilitating adoptions from care


This fascinating collection examines child welfare research, permanency and practice across England, the US and Canada, three countries which have established permanency as a priority for children in care who are unable to return home.

It explores how different countries are using innovative practices to meet children’s needs. The compendium identifies 22 practices that have shown promise as a means to permanency, primarily through adoption or guardianship, including organisational practices, court practices, recruitment and retention of families, pre-adoptive casework procedures, and supporting and preserving adoptive families.

This review will expand the knowledge and perspectives of adoption professionals, and introduce them to effective, tried and tested practices that will help to achieve permanency for more waiting children.

Who is this book for?

Social work practitioners, managers and policy makers working in both adoption and fostering.

What you will find in this book

The study explores a range of innovative practices, including:

  • The value of training and support for workers
  • How using data to track outcomes can inform practice
  • Permanency mediation in courts
  • Assuring continuity in judicial decision making
  • Family finding within a child’s social network;
  • Maximising the range of adoption recruitment strategies
  • Targeted adoption recruitment
  • Intensive child-specific adoption recruitment
  • How to increase placement stability
  • Promoting permanency through life story work
  • Therapeutic interventions to enhance adoption adjustment


Susan Livingston Smith is Professor Emerita of the School of Social Work at Illinois State University and Co-Director of the university’s Center for Adoption Studies. She is also a Program and Project Director of the Donaldson Adoption Institute. The Institute is an independent adoption research and policy organisation that addresses the needs of everyone touched by adoption. Based in New York it is known and respected worldwide.


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