Sam's trouble with words
This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children.
Sam has a secret and he doesn’t want anyone to find out what it is. He has trouble reading, writing and spelling and is worried that his new foster family will not want him to stay if they find out. With the help of his carers, teachers and social worker, Sam soon discovers that his secret is a real problem with a real name – dyslexia – and that lots of clever people have the same problem too! Will things get easier for Sam now?
This story about dyslexia will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 who has difficulty reading and writing, or who knows someone who does.
Who is this book for?
Any child aged seven to 11 who has difficulty reading and writing, or who knows someone else who is affected. The booklet is designed for a child to read with a parent, carer or worker available to talk through it with them and answer possible questions.
What you will find in this book
This story introduces Sam and his foster family, and follows him through his difficulties at school, his discovery that he has dyslexia, and the effect on his life now that he knows what is wrong and how this can be managed.
The book includes a question and answer section which covers a wide range of queries and concerns about dyslexia, and provides practical information and advice in a straightforward and child-friendly style.
Lorna Miles is an adopter and foster carer who has written/contributed to several books about the challenges that parenting fostered and adopted children can bring. She is also involved in running workshops and training for foster carers.
Rachel Fuller specialises in children’s books, developing and illustrating novelty packages as well as young fiction and educational materials. She has also illustrated A safe place for Rufus, Why can't I be good?, Elfa and the box of memories and Spark learns to fly.
The story, a chapter book perfect for newly-confident readers, is very well written, and while there are facts involved, most of it is pure story. The facts really come later in a series of questions and answers at the end of the book. Small colour illustrations are scattered throughout the book. While severely dyslexic children will need the story read to them, it will prove a positive and helpful introduction to the whole concept of dyslexia and how it can be helped.