My brother Booh has ADHD
Toby and his identical twin brother Booh were adopted when they were tiny babies. They look so alike that sometimes people can’t tell them apart. But there is one very big difference between them. Booh is always getting into trouble: upsetting other children, fidgeting in class and losing his temper. And as he gets older his behaviour just seems to get worse. What is wrong with Booh?
This story about ADHD will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 who finds it difficult to stay still or pay attention or whose behaviour frequently gets them into trouble. It will be equally useful for a child who knows someone with ADHD.
This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children.
Who is this book for?
Any child aged seven to 11 who finds it difficult to stay still or pay attention or whose behaviour frequently gets them into trouble. It will be equally useful for a child who knows someone with ADHD. The booklet is designed for a child to read with a parent, carer or worker available to talk through it with them and answer possible questions.
What you will find in this book
This short story introduces Toby and his twin brother, Booh, as they discover that he has ADHD, and what this will mean for him. When Booh is diagnosed and helped to understand and manage his condition, life becomes easier for everyone in the family.
The book includes a question and answer section which covers a wide range of queries and concerns about ADHD, and provides practical information and advice in a straightforward and child-friendly style.
Dr Susan Yarney is a Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician with a specialist interest in ADHD. She is the clinical lead for ADHD in her NHS organisation in Hertfordshire and is passionate about creating awareness about ADHD and its impact on sufferers and families. She is the published author of a number of books that aim to promote an understanding of ADHD in children and young people affected with the condition.
Rachel Fuller specialises in children’s books, developing and illustrating novelty packages as well as young fiction and educational materials. She has also illustrated A safe place for Rufus, Why can't I be good?, Elfa and the box of memories and Spark learns to fly.
This book can easily be used to teach a class about ADHD and how to deal with it. It has a question and answer section at the back and this is very basic as the answers are clearly directed at young children. I can definitely recommend this book.
Shabran, four stars, Amazon.co.uk