CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 11 - 20 of 330

Placing children with relatives overseas

| Cathie Jenkins and Sandra Latter

This Practice Note emphasises the initial aspects to consider before seeking to assess a potential kinship carer who lives overseas. It is not intended to cover all aspects of the topic, but to help establish basic eligibility.

Where did my dinosaur go?

| Paul Calder, Amelia Goswell, Bradley Kemp, Meryl Westlake and Eva A Sprecher, Lauren Fernandes

The meerkats Mia and Kit do not like their new home, not one bit of it! They don’t like their new routine, their new bedroom, or new foods for dinner – and most of all, they definitely do not like their new carer, Becky the capybara. But when the meerkats stay with Becky, they discover that a new home can be OK, and sometimes it’s alright to trust new people.

The adopter's handbook

| Amy Neil Salter

Thinking about, or in the process of, adopting a child? Read this book to prepare for the experience of adoption, find the right resources to help you and feel more in control through the ups and downs along the way.

Assessing children and families for adoption support in England

| Caroline Thomas and John Simmonds

This practice guide aims to enhance the quality of post-order adoption support assessments, and thereby improve outcomes and well-being for adopted children and families. It will help social work practitioners to carry out assessments that are informed by the best available evidence and practice wisdom.

Adoption by foster carers

| Elaine Dibben and Viv Howorth

Adoption by foster carers is an area of practice that has attracted controversy and divergent views prevail. This Good Practice Guide explores some of the issues behind the contradictory views. It challenges practitioners to reflect on the established “practice wisdom” and adopt a more open-minded and child-centred approach.

Related by adoption

| Hedi Argent

This useful handbook introduces grandparents-to-be and other relatives to information about adoption today. It offers some facts about the children who need to be adopted and discusses how the wider family can support and be involved in building a family through adoption.

Unlawful placements in kinship care

| CoramBAAF

In many situations, the reality of the placement becoming unlawful speaks more to the limitations of the regulations themselves, than whether the placement is the best place for a child to live. In an effort to help practitioners navigate these challenges, we have published the following a practice note.

Dealing with disruption

| Hedi Argent and Jeffrey Coleman

This Good Practice Guide considers various aspects of disruption in both fostering and adoption placements and is an important tool for those involved in making permanent placements for children.