CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Effective adoption panels

| Jenifer Lord, Deborah Cullen, revised by Elaine Dibben

Effective adoption panels provides guidance on the roles and responsibilities, as well as the laws and regulations, connected to adoption panels. It is the only guide designed to help panels make sound and effective recommendations.

Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland

| Marjorie Morrison

What are the roles and responsibilities of adoption and fostering panel members? What laws and regulations determine how these panels function? How can panels help to make better placements? This book answers these and many other questions and is the first and only definitive guide for members of both adoption and fostering panels.

Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland - APPENDICES

| Marjorie Morrison

Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland - a range of forms and job descriptions that are specially designed to be used in the work of panels. These electronic Word templates are designed for unlimited future use by agencies and social work professionals.

Practice Note 71. Writing a Fostering Panel Annual Report

| Paul Adams

This Practice Note explores exactly what should be covered in a fostering panel Annual Report including panel membership, casework, recommendations and decisions, themes, issues from previous panel reports and user feedback.

Effective fostering panels

| Sarah Borthwick and Jenifer Lord

2019 EDITION What are the roles and responsibilities of fostering panel members? What regulations and standards determine the functioning of a fostering panel? How can panels implement best practice to improve their work and make better placements? Effective fostering panels answers these and many other questions.