Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland 2021 cover

Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland


What are the roles and responsibilities of adoption and fostering panel members? What laws and regulations determine how these panels function? How can panels help to make better placements?

Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland answers these and many other questions. It is the first and only definitive guide for members of both adoption and fostering panels. It is comprehensive in its approach and offers information on a range of aspects of adoption and fostering panels, to help panels make sound and effective recommendations.

The guide contains comprehensive appendices covering useful supplementary information such as sample job and person specifications, review formats, forms and templates. The appendices are also available for sale as electronic Word documents, providing agencies with a ready-made package of resources that they can easily incorporate into their work. Find out more

This 2021 edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to take account of all recent policy and legislative changes, including the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, and Health and Social Care Standards 2017.

Who is this book for?

New and existing panel members in Scotland and all those who come into contact with the work of panels, particularly social workers, agency managers, committee members, adoptive parents and foster carers, and a wide range of other professionals.

What you will find in this book

The guide is organised into six chapters which focus on:

  • The purpose and function of panels
  • Establishing and maintaining panels
  • Agency policy and practice issues
  • Families offering placements
  • Considering the plan for the child
  • Matching issues
  • Reviews and appeal reviews


Marjorie Morrison was a child placement consultant with BAAF Scotland for 25 years, and then an independent social worker. For over 30 years, Marjorie has been a panel member of both adoption and fostering panels, and also held the position of independent Chair. This has been mainly for panels in local authorities in Scotland but has also included agencies in the voluntary and independent sector. She is currently an ADM in a voluntary adoption agency.

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This comprehensive manual provides very clear guidance for policy and practice, combined with very practical draft templates. The material is presented with topical discussion points and is very easy to follow. There is no doubt that this text will become core reading material for any student exploring the work of panels in Scotland. Those with substantial panel experience will benefit from the wealth of new material in each of the well-structured chapters. Morrison provides clear, evidence-based guidance on the critical issues, drawn from good practice.

Clive Wood, independent consultant, Seen & Heard 24: 1