CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 1 - 10 of 36

Exploring and assessing motivations to adopt

| Laura Payne

This guide will help social workers assess motivation to adopt, a key part of future adoption success. Information about fertility treatments, unconscious bias when assessing LGBTQ+ and single applicants, how to explore a wish to adopt for religious or environmental reasons, and discussion around the importance of expectations of family life, provide vital practice advice.

Family network meetings in adoption

| Alison Davis and Sue Westwood

This guide will be invaluable for all social workers and social work managers wishing to explore the benefits of family network meetings and update their practice.

Assessing children and families for adoption support in England

| Caroline Thomas and John Simmonds

This practice guide aims to enhance the quality of post-order adoption support assessments, and thereby improve outcomes and well-being for adopted children and families. It will help social work practitioners to carry out assessments that are informed by the best available evidence and practice wisdom.

Adoption by foster carers

| Elaine Dibben and Viv Howorth

Adoption by foster carers is an area of practice that has attracted controversy and divergent views prevail. This Good Practice Guide explores some of the issues behind the contradictory views. It challenges practitioners to reflect on the established “practice wisdom” and adopt a more open-minded and child-centred approach.

Dealing with disruption

| Hedi Argent and Jeffrey Coleman

This Good Practice Guide considers various aspects of disruption in both fostering and adoption placements and is an important tool for those involved in making permanent placements for children.

Working with children who have experienced neglect

| Victoria Sharley and Alyson Rees

This Good Practice Guide is designed to be a practical text for busy social workers and other practitioners in a range of services responsible for safeguarding children. With its easy to digest format and authoritative advice, this guide is a vital companion for all those working for and concerned with children’s welfare.

Caring for children who have experienced domestic abuse

| Hedy Cleaver and Wendy Rose

This Good Practice Guide shines a spotlight on the thousands of children who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse prior to coming into care – its possible effects, the care these children need, and how best to assess, prepare and support them and the families caring for them.

Access to information for adult care leavers

| Julia Feast and Leonie Jordan

This Good Practice Guide aims to set out a protocol for dealing with Subject Access Requests (SARs) in order to improve services for adult care leavers and establish greater consistency and quality practice across organisations.

The Role of the Supervising Social Worker

| Alison Davis

This Good Practice Guide is a vital learning tool and companion for all those starting out in the role of supervising social worker, or needing to keep their skills and knowledge up to date as the role evolves with changes in practice.