CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 371 - 380 of 408

Nutmeg gets a letter

| Judith Foxon

The popular Nutmeg children’s book series tells the story of a little squirrel, and his younger sister and brother. In this book, Nutmeg’s birth mother usually sends him a letter for his birthday. This year, the letter is late and he is sad and worried. Through discussion with his friends, who have a range of different family situations, and his adoptive family, Nutmeg is helped to understand the effects that contact can have and the strong emotions it can arouse.

Tyler's wishes

| Helen Kahn

Tyler, aged seven, thinks a lot about getting a forever family. Sometimes, his social worker helps him sort out what he feels and wants. There are all sorts of things on Tyler’s wish list, but most of all, he wishes for a new family who will love him and be kind. Tyler’s wishes is intended to help children who are waiting to be placed for adoption to understand and cope with their mixed feelings of uncertainty, apprehension and hope.

We are fostering

| Jean Camis

This is a life story workbook which will help birth children to know themselves, their history and their role in the family, prior to fostered children coming to live in their family. There is information about what fostering, adoption, and getting "approved" before having children to stay, mean. Working through this book will help prepare birth children to welcome new arrivals into their homes and lives.

Searching questions

| Julia Feast and Terry Philpot

The book is based on a unique study about what motivates some adopted people to search or not. They highlight the issues involved and provide a greater understanding of the complexities and feelings that may be encountered on the way. Users will gain an insight into what it is like growing up adopted and an understanding of the lifelong issues for all concerned.