Thursday's Question:

Will the regulation of semi-independent accommodation for 16-17 years olds lead to better outcomes for looked after children?


man on the phone

Advice Line Q&A

Read our answer to an Advice Line query about whether a child can stay with a sibling whilst their foster carer is on holiday.

Read more

Linda Briheim-Crookall

CoramBAAF Conversations | How 16- and 17-year-olds feel they should be supported

Watch our conversation with Coram Voice. Linda Briheim-Crookall shares research findings from the Bright Spots Programme, and considers how 16- and 17-year-olds feel they should be supported.

Listen here

Your reading list

Based on the theme of support we have selected the titles in our bookshop which we think will help you to take care of the children and carers that you work with.