CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 161 - 170 of 324

My brother Booh has ADHD

| Susan Yarney

This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children. This story about ADHD will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 who finds it difficult to stay still or pay attention or whose behaviour frequently gets them into trouble. It will be equally useful for a child who knows someone with ADHD.

Oli and the pink bicycle

| Catherine Jackson

This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children. This story about Foetal Alcohol Syndrome will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 whose development and behaviour has been affected by parental substance misuse, or who knows someone else who is affected.

Parenting Matters: Parenting a child with, or at risk of, genetic disorders

| Peter D Turnpenny

This book is part of CoramBAAF’s Parenting Matters series which explores many of the health conditions commonly diagnosed in looked after children. This book focuses on genetic disorders. If you are looking to adopt a child, this guide will give you practical and realistic information on what this condition may mean for your child, along with their symptoms, prognosis and treatment.

Preparing to adopt - England Applicant's workbook

| Shaila Shah

Preparing to adopt is a well-established and highly respected training resource which enables agencies to offer relevant, high quality and comprehensive preparation for people who wish to adopt, and provides agencies in England with an agreed common curriculum for preparation courses. This Applicant’s workbook is an accessible, appropriate and easy to use resource that provides an inclusive and comprehensive approach to the preparation process.

Preparing to adopt - England

| Elaine Dibben, Eileen Fursland and Nicky Probert

Preparing to adopt is a well-established and highly respected training resource which enables agencies to offer relevant, high quality and comprehensive preparation for people who wish to adopt, and provides agencies with an agreed common curriculum for preparation courses. This Trainer’s guide includes a DVD containing film clips and a CD-ROM containing a PowerPoint presentation and hand-outs.

Sam's trouble with words

| Lorna Miles

This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children.

Ten top tips for going to court

| Alexandra Conroy Harris

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book looks at some steps that workers can take to get the most out of going to court – before, during and after the actual hearing.

Why can't I be good?

| Hedi Argent

This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children. This story about emotional and behavioural difficulties will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 whose behaviour frequently gets them into trouble, or who knows someone who can’t be good.

Social work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children

| Paul Adams

Social work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and families has received scant attention, for a variety of reasons, including long-term historical and societal factors. This Good Practice addresses these and many more questions and will be of immense help to all those working with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and looked after children.