Decision makers in fostering and adoption agencies have a vital but often under-explored role. Many decision makers describe finding themselves in the role with little or no preparation, and with few arenas locally to share dilemmas or discuss best practice. What is the best process for reaching a sound decision? How can you avoid it simply becoming a ‘rubber-stamping’ exercise? What is your role in relation to the quality assurance of the panel’s activities? How should a decision maker appraise a panel chair? What does a reasonable decision look like? How should it be conveyed?
Statutory guidance and standards for adoption and fostering services have a good deal to say about the agency decision maker role and the decision making process. Based on the very latest guidance and research, this workshop will explore these issues and dilemmas and provide useful templates for self-audit and future decision making.
By the end of the day participants will have:
- Developed a good working knowledge of the implications of some of the most significant recent judgements related to agency decision making;
- Reflected upon the process of decision making in the context of the fostering, adoption and permanency legislative framework;
- Considered ways to ensure that the basis of the decision making is sound, and how to ensure decisions are communicated effectively;
- Reflected on quality assurance issues including quality of minutes.
Alison Davis, Associate Trainer, CoramBAAF
Alison Davis is CQSW qualified and a registered social worker who holds an M.A in Management. Alison has been a social worker for over 30 years, including operating as a senior manager in a Local Authority. She has substantial experience in the field of childcare social work, specialising in Fostering, Adoption and Safeguarding, including being the Agency Decision Maker. Alison also worked for many years as an Adoption counsellor. She currently chairs 3 Local Authority Fostering panels and has been a member of Adoption Panels. She also undertakes independent social work, chairing reviews, disruption meetings and safeguarding conferences, as well as doing complaint investigations. She is a mentor for university students who are considering careers in the field of social care.
Agency decision makers or those anticipating taking on an agency decision making role.
On open courses we can accommodate a maximum of four delegates from one organisation only. For a larger group booking, please see the information on commissioned training.
For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).
Total of 22 places available.
Practice Note 70. The Fostering Decision-Maker (England)
This Practice Note offers guidance for fostering decision-makers in a range of matters to help them achieve high standards in undertaking this role.
Available free as a PDF version for all CoramBAAF members. Click here to find out more about becoming a member.

Sarah Borthwick and Jenifer Lord
What are the roles and responsibilities of fostering panel members? What regulations and standards determine the functioning of a fostering panel? How can panels implement best practice to improve their work and make better placements? Effective fostering panels answers these and many other questions.

Jenifer Lord, Deborah Cullen
What are the roles and responsibilities of adoption panel members? What laws and regulations determine the functioning of an adoption panel? How can panels improve their work to make better placements? Effective adoption panels answers these and many other questions. It is the only guide designed to help panels make sound and effective recommendations.
Registration 9.45 am
Start 10.00 am*
Close 4.00 pm*
*Times subject to change
Full or associate CoramBAAF member - £115.00 + £23.00 VAT = £138.00
Individual CoramBAAF member - £95.00 + £19.00 VAT = £114.00
Non-member - £140.00 + £28.00 VAT = £168.00
Adopters/Fosters carers - £95.00 + £19.00 VAT = £114.00*
*Please contact our events team via email to secure your place.
Telephone 020 7520 2043
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