Managing allegations and responding to concerns


The safety of children in care is paramount. Therefore it is essential we investigate and respond to allegations, complaints and concerns about foster carers in a timely way and ensure children’s voices are heard and their needs met. This course will provide an opportunity to consider how we can manage allegations and concerns, with the rigour and challenge needed, whilst also considering the need for foster carers to receive sensitive support, that enables them to manage risks and keep everyone in the fostering household safe. 


  • To consider the legislative framework for responding to concerns, complaints and allegations in foster care 
  • To consider the importance of panel, supervision and foster carer reviews to ensure children’s voices are heard and their needs met
  • To explore thresholds for concerns, complaints and allegations 
  • To look at learning from serious case reviews – child safeguarding practice reviews 
  • To explore how to have courageous conversations with foster carers
  • To understand the tension between supervision, support and challenge
  • To explore impact of personal and professional identities on decision-making


Karen Needler, Associate Trainer, CoramBAAF.



Any social workers, managers and panel members or advisors involved in managing allegations about foster carers. 

On open courses we can accommodate a maximum of four delegates from one organisation only. For a larger group booking, please see the information on commissioned training.   

For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).

Total of 22 places available.


Managing allegations, concerns and complaints against foster carers

Author: Laura Williams

This practice guide is designed to help practitioners and managers to successfully navigate the complex processes involved in allegations and complaints. Authoritative and comprehensive, it considers not just statutory procedures, but also provides valuable pointers to good practice for fostering staff. A vital resource for all social workers, managers, panel members, panel Chairs, reviewing officers and designated officers, UK-wide.


Registration 9.45 am
Start 10.00 am*
Close 4.00 pm*

*Times subject to change


Full or associate CoramBAAF member - £158.00 + £31.60 VAT = £189.60
Individual CoramBAAF member - £120.00 + £24.00 VAT = £144.00
Non-member - £220.00 + £44.00 VAT = £264.00


Telephone 020 7520 0310


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