CoramBAAF Members' Week | Should being ‘care experienced’ be a protected characteristic?
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- Further reading and information on joining/supporting Terry Galloway's Campaign
- Presentation Slides (members only)
- Should being 'care experienced' be a protected characteristic? Poll Results (members only)
"Care experience" refers to the experiences of individuals who spent part of their childhood in care. Children are only taken into care when there is a significant risk to their well-being. With the right support, many do well after leaving care, however, they are more likely to have lasting negative outcomes compared to children not in care. Many care experienced people have said that they have experienced discrimination in their lives which has contributed to this situation.
Terry Galloway is a longstanding campaigner for making care-experienced people a protected characteristic. He has been an influential figure in the passing of this motion by 49 councils across the UK. His views on the legal status of care experienced people were reflected in recommendations from the Independent review of children’s social care but omitted from the government’s reform plan announced in February 2023.
On the 27 September, Terry will be joined by a panel consisting of Anne Longfield, CBE, Cllr. Bryony Goodliffe, CCC, Cllr. Jemima Laing, PCC, Florence Chiwetu and two young people supported by CoramVoice to discuss, debate and share his vision of a more equitable future for care-experienced people. We will also be discussing the pathways and priorities for bringing “care experienced” under the protection of law and what this could mean for policy and practice. Our Chair is Ellen Broomé, Managing Director of CoramBAAF. Join us at 11.30am. for our key Members' Week event.
Join us at 11.30am. for our key Members' Week event.
What is a protected characteristic?
A protected characteristic refers to a personal characteristic safeguarded from discrimination under anti-discrimination laws. Examples include race, gender, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and more. These laws aim to promote equality and prevent unfair treatment in various areas of life. Discrimination based on any protected characteristic is unlawful, encouraging a society that offers equal and equitable opportunities and treats everyone with dignity and respect.
Ellen Broomé was appointed Managing Director for CoramBAAF in February 2021. She previously held the role of Director of Children and Families at NatCen, the UK’s leading social research organisation, and was previously Chief Executive at Coram Family and Childcare, where she worked for five years. She brings over 15 years of experience of strategic leadership, research, policy, advocacy and communications from previous roles including at the Children’s Society, the National Autistic Society and Parliament.
Terry Galloway is a care leaver champion and campaigner. He has been engaging with various local councils across the UK to advocate for reform aimed at enhancing the experiences of children and young people in the care and care experienced people who have left the system. His objective is to ensure that their perspectives are effectively heard and integrated into the decision-making process.
Councillor Bryony Goodliffe, County Councillor for Cherry Hinton, Cambridge City Council. My background has always been working with children, from Youth work to Teaching Assistant to retraining as Child and Adolescent Counsellor and working with children in schools. When elected as a County Councillor I was granted the role of Chair of Children & Young People’s Committee. I have been able to draw on my knowledge of working with children, particularly those who have experienced being in the care system and was looking to see how we as a County Council can improve. In both my counsellor & councillor roles I will continue to put the child or young person both first and central to all that we do.
Councillor Jemima Laing, Deputy Leader of the Council, and Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care, Culture, Events and Communications. Chair of Corporate Parenting Group, Plymouth City Council
Anne Longfield CBE, Chair of the Commision on Young Lives, Childrens Commissioner of England 2015-2021
Chair of The Commission on Young Lives, Former Children’s Commissioner for England, and vulnerable children and Independent Chair, NHS Children and Young People Learning Disability and Autism Board. Anne has spent the last three decades working to improve the life chances of children, particularly the most vulnerable. From March 2015 to February 2021, she was Children’s Commissioner for England. She previously led a national children’s charity and has also worked on the delivery of the Sure Start programme in the Cabinet Office. As Children’s Commissioner, Anne spent six years championing the rights and interests of children with those in power who make decisions about children’s lives, acting as children’s ‘eyes and ears’ in the corridors of power in Whitehall and Westminster. Anne was Special Advisor to the Lords Public Services Committee on their inquiry into public services and vulnerable children. Anne is a passionate champion for children, influencing and shaping the national debate and policy agenda for children and their families. She spent many years campaigning for better childcare, often at a time when many saw the issue as obscure or niche.
Florence Chiwetu, Consultant, co-Chair of IFP, member of BMEPAC and SSCP
Florence is co-Chair of the IFP (Independent Fostering Providers) and part of the BMEPAC (Black Minority Ethnic Perspective Advisory) committee at CoramBaaf and a member of the SSCP (Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership). She has been a school Governor since 2001 and is an active member of the SGA (Southwark Governors Association) management committee. Having spent the last two decades managing fostering agencies and childcare services, Florence has been able to develop her skills and knowledge to be able to make a positive impact on ‘organisations that care’. Florence is a Consultant and is passionate about improving the quality of children’s services supporting Leaders and Managers to have the skills, resources, and tools to successfully manage their organisations ensuring their focus is on ‘making a child’s life better’.Florence and her siblings were in and out of the care system as young children and is a keen advocate for children in care to remain together, where possible and for accurate records to be stored. Florence is currently studying a PhD which is exploring leadership and work-life balance within children’s social care.
Two young people supported by CoramVoice
More panelists TBC
This webinar is for members only. We encourage practitioners, professionals, parents, carers, and all those who may be interested or work within the children's social care sector to attend.
For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).
Members can watch recordings of previous Exploring Expertise Webinars here.
For many years we held an annual members' day to give our members, our staff and invited speakers the opportunity to share views on the most pressing issues facing family placement services.
Last year, we devoted a whole week to member engagement activities and it was such a success we decided to do it again! Over the course of the week, we will explore key topics and best practices that mirror the journey of children and young people through the care system. The theme for this year's Members' Week is taken from our publication, A child’s journey through placement.
Members Only: FREE (don't forget to log in to your account to receive your discount)
Places on this event are limited, so early booking is recommended.
Telephone 020 7520 7520/0310
Email events@corambaaf.org.uk
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