This two-day open course will provide practitioners and particularly those who may be new to undertaking, quality assuring or considering fostering assessments with an opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and practice in completing fostering assessments. This workshop may also provide a refresher for those wanting to reflect and build on knowledge skills and best practice in the completion of fostering assessments
- To explore best practice in the completion of the Prospective Foster Carer(s) Report (CoramBAAF Form F)
- To develop critical thinking and reflective practice in the completion of fostering assessments
- To practice and develop an integration of critical assessment tools and techniques within fostering assessments and current best practice
Karen Needler, Associate Trainer, CoramBAAF.
Fostering social workers (particularly those new to fostering assessments), fostering team/registered managers and fostering panel members who may wish to understand the assessment process in more detail.
On open courses we can accommodate a maximum of four delegates from one organisation only. For a larger group booking, please see the information on commissioned training.
For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).
Total of 22 places available.
Undertaking a fostering assessment in England
Author: Roger Chapman (2021)
This guide is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of prospective applicants who want to foster a child or children. It is to be used by assessing social workers to complete a Prospective Foster Carer’s Report using the CoramBAAF Form F (for England). UPDATED JUNE 2021
This guide will assist workers in writing their assessments using Form F. It is primarily based on Section B of Form F, which brings together information about the applicant’s history, family and lifestyle; an assessment of their fostering capacity; and the applicant’s preparation for the fostering task.
Each section of the guide presents a list of trigger questions that can facilitate further discussion and encourage exploration of different areas and suggestions as to how this can be analysed to assess an applicant's suitability, or not, to foster.
Undertaking checks and references in fostering and adoption assessments
Author: Paul Adams (2019)
The assessment of prospective foster carers and adopters is amongst the most important aspects of family placement work. Undertaking checks and references is a key part of these assessments, and a core task for social workers. But which checks are mandatory, and which are advisable? Which checks are needed in each UK country? Which are likely to yield the most useful information?
This Good Practice Guide details the range of checks routinely undertaken in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, in both fostering and adoption. This popular guide has been fully revised and updated to take into account all recent legislative and practice changes UK-wide. These include changes to take into account new GDPR and data protection legislation, particularly in terms of confidentiality with regard to references.
Author: Pat Beesley
Preparing and assessing potential adopters and permanent foster carers is key to a successful placement. This authoritative guide will enable family placement workers to approach their assessments with greater confidence. It will ensure that they address key areas, embrace a holistic approach, and attain high standards.

Registration 9.45 am
Start 10.00 am*
Close 4.00 pm*
*Times subject to change
Full or associate CoramBAAF member - £315.00 + £63.00 VAT = £378.00
Individual CoramBAAF member - £240.00 + £48.00 VAT = £288.00
Non-member - £440.00 + £88.00 VAT = £528.00
Telephone 020 7520 0310
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