Adoption now + making good assessments + child's legal journey book covers

Adoption starter pack

Essential reading for newly qualified social workers



*NEW EDITION* Adoption now

This handy guide presents the law, regulations, standards and guidance relating to adoption today, covering all stages of the process and related information – in easily digested bite-sized chunks.

This edition has been fully revised and updated to draw together all current legislation, including recent changes and new initiatives.

Small enough to carry in a handbag or backpack, it provides instant access to necessary knowledge and data whenever needed.

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Making good assessments

This practical resource guide has been designed to help agencies and family-finding services develop their own assessment programme. With its creative and imaginative format, it can be used flexibly within group settings, individual or family discussions.

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The child's legal journey through care

For those working with or caring for looked after children, understanding how they may move through the Children Act proceedings, care system and associated legislation is vital – but also very complex. This innovative guide demystifies the law by explaining its application to children’s rights, children’s possible routes through care, and the legal stages of Children Act proceedings, Written in a clear and simple manner, it sets out what practitioners should do to achieve the best outcomes for children while fulfilling what the law requires.

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