Ten top tips on supporting education
The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners.
Doing well at school can make a huge difference to a child’s life chances. For looked after children, school can also provide much-needed stability and security. But on average, children and young people in care do not do as well in school as their peers. How can social workers help children to thrive in education, reap the benefits of the stability it offers, and reach their potential?
This book looks at some positive steps that workers and carers can take to support looked after children in school.
Who is this book for?
All practitioners involved with looked after children and young people will find this book invaluable for quick reference and practical advice on ensuring that children’s time in school makes a positive difference to their lives and futures.
What you will find in this book
Each of the ten chapters presents a basic “tip” in an accessible and straightforward style, including:
- Learning about the child
- Assessing the impact of the child’s history on his/her education
- Gathering information about the child’s education history
- Getting to know the carers and working with them
- Finding out as much as possible about the school
- Forming a relationship with key school staff members
- Facilitating links between the carers and the school
- Ensuring the child has information that makes sense to him/her
- Supporting the child through transitions
- Assessing the network for areas of positive impact
Good practice points are included throughout.
Eileen Fursland is a freelance writer specialising in issues affecting children and young people. She has written several titles for CoramBAAF including Facing up to Facebook. She also designs and delivers training sessions to help foster carers, adopters and social workers to meet the challenges posed by social networking.
Kate Cairns is an author, speaker and trainer with an international reputation for her work around attachment, trauma and resilience. She has been a social worker for 40 years and a trainer/consultant for 20 years. She is the co-author of Attachment, trauma and resilience.
Chris Stanway has many years’ experience working with children with special educational needs and looked after children in schools. She currently works as an independent consultant producing materials specifically focused for the education workforce.
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The book is set out clearly and in a straightforward, direct format. It is a credit to the authors that they have provided a simple, understandable and useful guide to this often emotionally charged subject.
SEN Magazine