Our adoption consultants develop a range of practice notes, briefings and other resources to support our members in their work. They also support the exchange of ideas and good practice at our regular practice forums.

Upcoming training


Grandparent, son and grandchild

Making plans for staying in touch

9 September | 10am - 4pm | Zoom
This course is an opportunity to consider what we know about staying in touch from research, including what works well, the voices of those with lived experience, and aspects that may present challenges or need more support.

Book now

Listen to our CoramBAAF Conversations podcast

Man with his head in his hands

Episode 16 | Post adoption depression

Post adoption depression: What is it? Who does it affect? What are we doing about it? These questions and more form part of Dr Lynn Snow's Churchill Fellowship research. In this conversation, Jane Poore, Adoption Consultant, is joined by Dr Lynn Snow to answer some of these questions.

Listen here

Watch our recordings

person with shaved head looking to the left

Diversity and adoption

On behalf of RAA leaders, we are delivering a series of webinars in relation to diversity and adoption. These short webinars explore promising practice in adoption work in relation to issues of diversity. Please note that the webinars include discussions of topics and experiences that may be triggering or upsetting.

Watch the series
woman and baby smiling

Early permanence: the legal framework

Early permanence is a child-centred approach that provides crucial early-stage stability while a court decides the final care plan for a child. The aim of early permanence is to prevent multiple moves of a child during the care planning process and thereby reduce the associated trauma of separation from and loss of attachment figures.

Watch the recording
man woman and child looking at a laptop screen

Safeguarding in the online world

Our Adoption Consultant, Jane Poore, and, Dr. Vicki Walker, discussed the complexities of safeguarding in the digital world and this means for social work practitioners in the children and families sector.

Watch the recording

Influence change

Our multidisciplinary groups and provide a platform to our members so we can advocate on their behalf to Government, and ensure that their voices are heard in the development of legislation, policy and practice.

group of people collaborating in meeting

Practice Forums

Share professional practice, knowledge and expertise in adoption with colleagues in your region.

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ADM Group promo image of smiling woman

Agency Decision Maker Group

This new group is a dedicated informal space for Agency Decision Makers to discuss, share and reflect on cases, practice and procedures with peers.

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child's hand on globe

Placing a child abroad?

The Outbound Permanence Service provides specialist information & advice on the legal, assessment and support options available in the overseas country.

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