Book bundle for school children
| Various authors
Get our newest children's book, 'Where did my dinosaur go?', alongside our most popular children's book series for a discounted price!
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| Various authors
Get our newest children's book, 'Where did my dinosaur go?', alongside our most popular children's book series for a discounted price!
| Various authors
Get your copies of the most popular titles in our Parenting Matters series. These books address key areas around trust, behavioural issues and trauma, and how these can affect children’s behaviour and learning in education.
| Alison Rennie Parkinson and Eileen Fursland
This is a must-read book for any parent seeking to support their adopted child through school in Scotland. It contains information advice and ideas on: choosing and starting a new school; working with a child's school and teachers; financial and other support available for previously looked after children; and rights, special needs support, exclusion and alternative provision.
| Sarah Alix with Eileen Fursland and Nicola Hill
This clear, straightforward handbook aims to support foster carers so that they can help the children in their care to have the best possible experience of education.
| Eileen Fursland
This is a must-read book for any parent seeking to support their adopted child through school. It contains information advice and ideas on: choosing and starting a new school; working with a child's school and teachers; financial and other support available for previously looked after children; and rights, special needs support, exclusion and alternative provision.
| Eileen Fursland with Kate Cairns and Chris Stanway
The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book looks at some positive steps that workers and carers can take to support looked after children in school.
| Edited by Sonia Jackson
Edited by one of the world’s leading experts on education and looked after children, this anthology argues that education, in its broadest sense, should be at the centre of care and care at the centre of education. It brings together up-to-date evidence from interdisciplinary research with innovations in practice that have been shown to make a real difference – both in the UK and overseas.
| Clare Pallett, John Simmonds and Andrea Warman
The Supporting Children’s Learning training resource has been designed to help carers support the education of children in their care and enable them to become more confident and effective learners.
| Judith Foxon
The popular Nutmeg children’s book series tells the story of a little squirrel, and his younger sister and brother. Nutmeg likes school but has started having problems with bullying. He gets into trouble for fighting when he is trying to protect his friends. This book will help children from a wide age range to explore how events in school may affect them, and how best they can react and manage their emotions.