CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 61 - 70 of 210

Caring for unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people: introductory booklet

| Eileen Fursland

The introductory booklet provides information for foster carers and residential care workers who are, or who will be, looking after unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people. It explores who these young people are, where they come from, what their journeys may have been like, what their specific needs are now, and how carers can help and support them.

Making good assessments

| Pat Beesley

Preparing and assessing potential adopters and permanent foster carers is key to a successful placement. This authoritative guide will enable family placement workers to approach their assessments with greater confidence. It will ensure that they address key areas, embrace a holistic approach, and attain high standards.

The foster carer's handbook on education

| Sarah Alix with Eileen Fursland and Nicola Hill

This clear, straightforward handbook aims to support foster carers so that they can help the children in their care to have the best possible experience of education.

Fostering now

| Fergus Smith, Chris Brann and Alexandra Conroy Harris

This handy guide presents the law, regulations, standards and guidance relating to fostering in England today, in easily digested bite-sized chunks.

Adopting a child in Scotland

| Robert Swift

NEW 2020 EDITION This book covers everything you need to know about adoption in Scotland. It describes the processes involved in adopting a child, with a wealth of practical information. You can also read the stories of adopters from how it feels to go through the adoption process to what life as an adoptive family is really like, and the stories of adopted children and how they think and feel about adoption.

The pink guide to adoption for lesbians and gay men

| Nicola Hill

How easy is it for lesbian and gay couples to adopt? Can we adopt jointly? Is the adoption process any different from heterosexual adoption? The pink guide to adoption answers these and many more questions. It is an essential step-by-step guide for lesbians and gay men who are considering adoption in the UK

Undertaking checks and references in fostering and adoption assessments

| Paul Adams

The assessment of foster carers and adopters is amongst the most important aspects of family placement work. Undertaking checks and references is key to these assessments, and a core task for social workers. This Good Practice Guide details the range of checks routinely undertaken across the UK.

The foster carer’s handbook on parenting teenagers

| Henrietta Bond

How can teenagers in foster care best be supported to deal with the challenges that life has thrown at them? How can their foster carers help them to find effective ways to manage their behaviour, engage with their peers, make the most out of education, and find their way towards a fulfilling adult life? This handbook aims to support foster carers as they identify the unique needs of the young person in their care.