CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Stepfamily adoption: what it is & what it means

| Jo Francis

What is stepfamily adoption, and why is it important? How does it happen, and how long does it take? What will it change in a child’s life, and what will stay the same? These, and many other questions about stepfamily adoption and what it is, are covered in this booklet for children.

Placing large sibling groups for adoption

| Hilary Saunders, Julie Selwyn and Eileen Fursland

The importance of maintaining sibling relationships is widely recognised, but it is not always easy to find families willing and able to adopt sibling groups. This Good Practice Guide examines how adoption agency staff and children’s social workers handle the adoption process for large sibling groups, with an emphasis on practices and policies which may help or hinder prospective sibling group adopters and the children they wish to adopt.

Adopting large sibling groups

| Hilary Saunders and Julie Selwyn

This research study examines adopters’ experiences of parenting a large sibling group, as well as the views of staff in adoption agencies who need to recruit and support adopters willing to take siblings. The study is based on in-depth interviews undertaking with 37 sibling group adopters and staff in 14 adoption agencies, which aimed to identify best practice in placing sibling groups for adoption, and what works and what doesn’t work for children, adopters and agencies.

Where are my brothers and sisters?

| Hedi Argent

This short, colourful booklet is part of CoramBAAF’s series of publications for children and young people, which aim to explain concepts in adoption and fostering that they may find difficult to understand.

Adopting a brother or sister

| Hedi Argent

This short, colourful booklet is part of CoramBAAF’s series of publications for children and young people, which aim to explain concepts in adoption and fostering that they may find difficult to understand.

Take two

| Laurel Ashton

When Laurel and David decide the time is right to expand their family, things don’t go according to plan. Published as part of the Our Story series, this honest and heartfelt memoir narrates their struggle to become parents – coping with the discovery of their infertility, the emotional and physical demands of IVF, their experiments with alternative therapies, and their decision to adopt.

Together in time

| Ruth and Ed Royce

Published as part of the Our Story series, this is the story of Ruth and Ed Royce’s journey from childlessness to celebrating as a family. From a dual perspective, each with their own anxieties, expectations and vulnerabilities, they look back on their decision to adopt, to the fear that their family was falling apart, to their experience of music and art therapy, and then on to their decision to adopt a second time.