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Fostering Communities for Foster Care Fortnight


CoramBAAF’s Fostering Consultant, Emma Fincham, reflects on the fostering communities she has been involved in over her career and the vital role they play in supporting carers and in turn improving the lives of the children they care for.

Reflections on "The Future of Care" Panel Discussion


CoramBAAF's James Bury considers the challenges of a failing care system. From those raised by the panelists to his own experiences as a social worker. He calls on the sector to pressure political leaders to commit to cross party collaboration to resolve these challenges.

CoramBAAF hosts panel discussion on "The Future of Care"

News and updates-13 May 2022 - 15:02

On 28 April, CoramBAAF hosted a panel discussion about the future of care. This felt like a timely opportunity to debate how the “care system” operates for our children as we expect the review of children’s social care will be published soon.

Care review and the role of Independent Reviewing Officers


James Bury, CoramBAAF’s Head of policy, research and development discusses the proposal in the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care to remove the role of Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs). He suggests this proposal should be reconsidered due to the important role that IROs have in making sure care plans meet children’s needs.

Bolstering the wellbeing of children in care: what more can be done?


The Bright Spots programme supports Local Authorities to systematically listen to children in care on their lives and things that matter to them to better understand their needs and develop practice. Dr Claire Baker from Coram Voice takes us through this initiative and the practice innovations it has led to.