Nutmeg gets a little sister
The popular Nutmeg children’s book series tells the story of a little squirrel, and his younger sister and brother. In the first book, Nutmeg gets adopted, the siblings had to leave their birth mother when she realises she cannot keep them safe, and are adopted.
In this story Nutmeg’s adoptive family is about to grow as his parents have decided to adopt his birth sister, who can’t be looked after by his birth mother any more. The young squirrels are very excited to have a new sister, but a little bit anxious too. Nutmeg is helped to explore his worries – what will it be like to have a new child in the family? Will his parents still spend time with him? Will he have to share his toys? And will his new sister like living in her new family? The story will be of use for children from a wide age range, and will help to explore the feelings they may have when a new sibling joins the family.
It is vital that people working with looked after and adopted children are aware of how they think and feel about their situation. Talking about characters in stories can help children to think and talk safely about their own sad, angry and frightened feelings.
Who is this book for?
This book is ideal for young children who are about to, or who have already had, a new sibling join the family. It will help them to make sense of their experiences and emotions.
The book is intended to be read to or with children by their own social worker, their current carers or their adoptive parents.
What you will find in this book
The book offers a practical way to help children explore the arrival of a new sibling in the family – what it will be like, good and bad things, and how to settle into a larger unit together. It can be used simply as a story, but also as a workbook and a tool for therapy, suitable for use with children of different ages.
Practice guidelines (which can be removed from the book) offer suggestions and triggers for further discussion which can be developed to suit the needs of each child.
Judith Foxon is an adoption worker and has many years’ experience in recruiting and preparing families for children of all ages and of direct work with children. As an adoptive parent and foster carer herself, she is committed to developing better ways of helping families to communicate with and support their children.
Sarah Rawlings’ illustrations were inspired by originals first drawn by Jessica, a young friend of the author’s. Jessica, who is adopted, helped bring the project to life with her charming and colourful illustrations. She shared her original illustrations and the ideas behind them with Sarah.
This is one of a series of books about a little squirrel called Nutmeg. The emphasis in this story is how the siblings and their new half-sister get on, and how the family comes to term with ensuing problems. Never over-the-top, the book nevertheless addresses realistically emotions such as jealousy, anger and resentment. There is also a useful scene with Pip’s social worker and the Wise Owl judge who completes Pip’s adoption. The bright pictures and clear text will appeal.