CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 231 - 237 of 237

Testing the limits of foster care

| Moira Walker, Malcolm Hill and John Triseliotis

This study looks at a pioneering scheme - the Community Alternative Placement Scheme (CAPS) - set up by NCH Action for Children in Scotland to offer fostering placements for young people whose behaviour would place them beyond the limits of ‘normal’ foster care and who might otherwise be placed in secure care. The revealing findings are invaluable for foster care practitioners and managers.

My life and me

| Jean Camis

'My life and me' provides a much-needed template life story book, to help children who no longer live with their family of origin to develop and record an accurate knowledge of their past and their family. Once completed, the book will provide them with a permanent record which they – and with their permission, the adults caring for them – can refer to at any time and which the child can carry with them through life.

A child's journey through placement

| Vera I Fahlberg, MD

Separation, loss, grief and change are expected parts of the experience of children in placement. How do those charged with the responsibility of planning for these children address their needs? This essential reference book - a 'must-read' text for more than 20 years - contains the theoretical knowledge base and skills necessary for understanding, working with and planning for children and their families.