Key changes to family justice (England) + Child care law England
Key changes to family justice (England)
This clear, concise guide supports practitioners and professionals by detailing recent changes in the law, including the Children and Families Act 2014, Family Justice Review and Fostering for Adoption. More importantly, it also explores how these changes are being applied in practice to meet children’s needs and reduce delay.
It will help practitioners understand what has changed in family justice, and what has remained the same; which changes are relevant to work with looked after children and their families; and how best to work together with the courts to ensure the best outcomes for children.
Child care law England
This quick reference guide provides a quick introduction to the main legal provisions for the care of children in England. Designed to provide a basic framework, it presents a summary of the main statutes, regulations and court rules, with sections on all the main strands of law relating to parents, children and local authority responsibilities.
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