CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 21 - 30 of 333

Unlawful placements in kinship care

| Ann Horne, Alexandra Conroy Harris, and Augusta Itua

In many situations, the reality of the placement becoming unlawful speaks more to the limitations of the regulations themselves, than whether the placement is the best place for a child to live. In an effort to help practitioners navigate these challenges, we have published the following a practice note.

Dealing with disruption

| Hedi Argent and Jeffrey Coleman

This Good Practice Guide considers various aspects of disruption in both fostering and adoption placements and is an important tool for those involved in making permanent placements for children.

The secure base model

| Gillian Schofield and Mary Beek

Secure Base is a model of caregiving in fostering and adoption that is based on theories of attachment and resilience while also drawing on child placement research.

Promoting attachment and resilience

| Gillian Schofield and Mary Beek

This practical guide is designed to support foster carers and adopters in offering the best possible sensitive care for troubled children who have often experienced trauma and loss, using the Secure Base Model.

Private fostering: what it is and what it means

| Henrietta Bond

This short, colourful booklet is part of CoramBAAF’s series of publications for children and young people, which aim to explain concepts in adoption and fostering that they may find difficult to understand.

Working with children who have experienced neglect

| Victoria Sharley and Alyson Rees

This Good Practice Guide is designed to be a practical text for busy social workers and other practitioners in a range of services responsible for safeguarding children. With its easy to digest format and authoritative advice, this guide is a vital companion for all those working for and concerned with children’s welfare.

Fostering starter pack

| Fergus Smith, Chris Brann and Alexandra Conroy Harris / Pat Beesley / Shefali Shah

Essential reading for newly qualified social workers