CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 61 - 70 of 324

Parent and child fostering

| Paul Adams and Elaine Dibben

Parent and child arrangements with foster carers are a well-established phenomenon in England and Wales. In the majority of cases, this means adults with their children living with foster carers, usually in the context of care proceedings. This Good Practice Guide addresses the challenges faced by agencies and foster carers by this specialist area of work. It offers valuable advice, information and a host of practical suggestions on how to deliver a high quality service.

Practice Note 73. Disabled Foster Carers

| Dr Peter Unwin / Becki Meakin / Alexandra Jones

This Practice Note considers the recruitment, assessment and support of disabled foster carers, with exploration of why such carers may be less likely than others to be taken on by agencies, and the benefits they can bring for children.

Caring for unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people: introductory booklet

| Eileen Fursland

The introductory booklet provides information for foster carers and residential care workers who are, or who will be, looking after unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people. It explores who these young people are, where they come from, what their journeys may have been like, what their specific needs are now, and how carers can help and support them.