The adoption process in England
- What are the options for securing permanence?
- How do I get started on life story work?
- How do I plan for contact?
- How do I prepare for the adoption panel?
- What is the legal effect of an adoption order?
The answers to these and many other questions about adoption, and the tasks associated with it, are contained in this informative and accessible guide.
The adoption process is a complex and demanding one. It is necessarily regulated and can be fraught with pitfalls. This guide will help readers avoid these and will confidently steer them through the process from start to finish, from planning adoption for a child to contributing to the court report for the adoption order.
Who is this book for?
All social workers of looked after children who are, or may be, placed for adoption in England.
What you will find in this book
The guide focuses on what legislation and standards require to be done; it points to useful forms and templates; it describes good practice and makes suggestions for further reading; and it aims to answer questions which you may have when you get involved in placing a child for adoption.
Jenifer Lord was a child placement consultant who worked for many years for the British Association for Adoption & Fostering. She has written or co-written many books about adoption, including the bestselling title Adopting a child.
Let’s get this straight, right from the start – if you work in the area of adoption this book is a must-have! This book has been devised and written by experts in the area who have excellent credentials and a wealth of experience. It explains the process, offers examples of the right forms to use and provides templates, flow charts and many useful suggestions that will enable social workers to become better acquainted with the adoption process. This book will prove useful to any professional working in the area of adoption.
Carolyn Taylor-Score, Family Court Advisor, CAFCASS Manchester, Professional Social Work