CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 51 - 60 of 110

Dennis lives with Grandma and Grandpa

| Paul Sambrooks

The Dennis Duckling series provides a range of options for explaining to looked after children about what is happening in their lives. In the first two books, Dennis and his little sister have leave their parents and be looked after by a foster duck family. In this fourth book, the outcome for the ducklings is for them to be looked after by Grandma and Grandpa.

Alternatives to custody

| The Alternatives to Custody Project – Europe

This book is one of the main outcomes of a two-year pan-European project on developing intensive and remand fostering programmes for young people in conflict with the law, who might otherwise be in custody.

Managing difficult behaviour

| Clare Pallett, Kathy Blackeby, Caroline Bengo, William Yule, Roger Weissman, Stephen Scott with Eileen Fursland

This guide aims to provide foster carers with new skills to help them manage a child’s behaviour and improve their relationship with him or her.

Practice Note 59. The provision of information to Fostering for Adoption carers

| CoramBAAF

This Practice Note provides information and guidance on the development and increased use of Fostering for Adoption placements. Raising questions and challenges about the information that should, and can legally, be provided to Fostering for Adoption carers, i.e. any dually-approved carers, including Regulation 25A carers, considering a placement under s.22C(9B)(c) of the Children Act (CA) 1989 in England.

Dogs and pets in fostering and adoption

| Paul Adams

This Good Practice Guide has been developed alongside assessment forms for dogs and other pets, and provides advice on completing these forms, with samples included for guidance. It will be helpful in assisting fostering services and adoption agencies to develop carefully considered, logical and proportionate policies in relation to dogs and other pets.

Foster carer reviews

| Helen Cosis Brown

This pioneering and informative Good Practice Guide sets out the process and practicalities and makes recommendations for good practice for foster carer reviews. It makes an invaluable contribution towards establishing good, evidence-based practice.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

| Multiple

In this special edition of the journal, experts tackle the realities of FASD and answer key questions, including: how does prenatal exposure to alcohol affect the developing brain?; how much (or little) is the problem understood by professional groups?; what are the experiences of community paediatricians, teachers and adoptive parents working on the ground?; and why does UK policy on abstinence from alcohol in pregnancy lag so far behind that of other countries?

Why can't I be good?

| Hedi Argent

This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children. This story about emotional and behavioural difficulties will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 whose behaviour frequently gets them into trouble, or who knows someone who can’t be good.

Looked after children and offending

| Gillian Schofield, Laura Biggart, Emma Ward, Victoria Scaife, Jane Dodsworth, Alice Haynes and Birgit Larsson

There have been longstanding concerns about the risk of offending for children in care. This research study investigates the characteristics and pathways of looked after children and the risk and protective factors that may reduce the risk of offending and promote resilience.

Child care law Scotland

| Alexandra Plumtree

This quick reference guide provides a quick introduction to the main legal provisions and principles affecting the law relating to child care in Scotland.