CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 251 - 260 of 324

Ten top tips on making introductions

| Lindsey Dunbar

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book considers the roles of all involved, including the birth family and other children, as well as the purpose of introductions and will help workers to plan and manage good introductions.

Ten top tips on supporting adopters

| Jeanne Kaniuk

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book explores some of the underpinning principles on which a successful support service for adopters depends.

Ten top tips on supporting kinship placements

| Hedi Argent

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This guide will help workers to recognise the challenges of kinship care and be better prepared to support kinship placements.

The primal wound

| Nancy Newton Verrier

Since its original publication in 1993, The primal wound has revolutionised how we think about adoption. Over the years, thousands have read this classic and found in it profound insights and revelations on what being adopted means to adopted people.

Where is Poppy's panda?

| David Pitcher

Change can cause confusion and uncertainty for children, but particularly for fostered and adopted children. This charming children's story uses Poppy and her lost panda to explore change, continuity, and anxieties about moves, changes and attachment in a way that feels safe and nonthreatening.

Policy and practice implications from the English and Romanian Adoptees (ERA) Study

| Michael Rutter, Celia Beckett, Jennifer Castle, Jana Kreppner, Suzanne Stevens and Edmund Sonuga-Barke

The English Romanian Adoptees (ERA) study is a remarkable exploration of the experiences of children whose early lives in Romanian institutions were unimaginably poor and who were then adopted into English families with all the material, emotional and social advantages that this brings. This publication summarises the policy and practice implications of this internationally known study.

Strength cards for kids

| Russell Deal

This clever, yet simple card set is designed specifically to help primary school aged children to identify, name and celebrate their inherent strengths, qualities and abilities. Each of the 40 hardwearing, laminated, full colour cards use vibrant illustration and gentle humour to express a particular strength.

Exploring infertility issues in adoption eBook only

| Ian Millar and Christina Paulson-Ellis

Many people considering adoption, both couples and single people, will have experienced infertility - in fact, it is frequently a central motivating factor behind an adoption application. This practice guide explores how best to approach this subject with prospective adopters, what topics to consider in the assessment process, and how the experience of infertility can affect adoption applicants.

The Emotional Well-being of Young People Seeking Asylum in the UK eBook only

| Abigail Knight, Elaine Chase, and June Statham

This ground-breaking report presents findings from an in-depth study of the perspectives and experiences of children and young people arriving unaccompanied to seek asylum in the UK. Based on conversations with 54 young people from 18 countries, this study reveals young people's experiences of their journeys, arriving in the UK, being in care, and a range of health, education, social care and immigration services. This is essential reading for anyone seeing to understand and support this vulnerable group.