What happens when IVF goes wrong? Published as part of the Our Story series, in Frozen Mike Butcher recounts his, and his wife Lesley’s, experience of undergoing IVF treatment. But when Lesley suffers a near-fatal reaction to the treatment, the couple’s lives are thrown into turmoil and their plans to build their family put on ice.
After an escalating series of setbacks and heartache, Mike and Lesley are almost resigned to giving up their dreams of parenthood – until they pick up a flyer from a local adoption agency.
Who is this book for?
Anyone who is interested in the adoption experience and how this feels for the people involved.
What you will find in this book
‘You can watch television shows or read books about IVF and everything that comes with it, but when you are in the middle of it all, things go by in something of a blur until you make an effort to stop and really think about what is actually happening. Human eggs, sperm, even embryos – these things are small. Pinhead small. You can’t see any of them with the naked eye and yet there they are living outside of the human body, something they are definitely not designed to do.’
‘The medical conference around Lesley’s bed lasts no more than a few minutes. Naturally I am in the thick of it, keen not to miss anything, but there is very little new to learn. A whole host of OHSS symptoms are mentioned and these are showing no signs of going away. The doctors think that they have some degree of control over Lesley’s condition for now, but it’s a tricky balancing act.
Mr Margara’s final words to Lesley before he leaves to continue his rounds hang in the room for quite some time.
"You’re in for a rough weekend."'
Mike Butcher spent eight years working in the comic book industry, writing and editing magazines and comics. He has also written several books for adults, and children’s Christmas annuals.
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A wonderful book. This book is amazing, it took me less than 48 hours to read as I was glued from start to finish. Mike writes with humour and emotion and gives a very frank account of what he and his wife Lesley went through to be able to achieve the family that they wanted. I think this is a wonderful book and gives some insight into what it is like not being able to have children naturally, anybody and everybody of child rearing age should read this.
Mrs Michelle West, five stars, Amazon.co.uk
Heart break followed by joy. A story of one couple who had to fight for the family they dreamed of, and thank goodness for the love and strength they had together they finally achieved their dream. A fantastic read and a very moving story (recommend a box of tissues whilst reading). Would advise anyone read this book even if they have or haven’t experienced any problems to achieve their dream.
Helen, five stars, Amazon
This book is written well with a sense of humour showing through as you journey with this family with their trials to succeed in becoming parents. It makes you almost live their lives as the tale progresses. It makes you weep but you will be smiling by the end.
E B Peacock, five stars, Amazon.co.uk
A truly moving story and a real education for me about the IVF journey and adoption process. Mike’s honest account and beautiful writing manner had me gripped from the start and I felt I was living the journey also!
Lucy Johnston, five stars, Amazon.co.uk