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Completing a child's permanence report

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 17 5 - Elaine Dibben with Lyn Bugarski, Nicky Probert and Julia Wilson

This guide is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based permanence report for a looked after child. It is to be used by assessing social workers to complete a Child’s Permanence Report using the CoramBAAF Form CPR (for England).

Exploring Expertise:the impact of neglect and abuse on developing sensorimotor systems- An Introduction to the BUSS Model


This session will be presented by Sarah and parent mentors from the BUSS team. Sarah Lloyd is a Specialist Children's Occupational Therapist, Play Therapist and Author of the BUSS Model – BUSS - Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems in children who have experienced developmental trauma. Sarah has published two books: Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatised Children (2016) and Building Sensorimotor Systems in Children with Developmental Trauma (2020).

Moving to Adoption

Bookshop product- 978 1 913384 10 4 - Mary Beek, Elsbeth Neil and Gillian Schofield

This guide introduces an authoritative practice model for supporting children’s moves from their foster family to their adoptive family – the University of East Anglia (UEA) Moving to Adoption model. Drawn from a two-year practice development project, the UEA model promotes sensitive practice that is responsive to the child’s needs.

Managing allegations, concerns and complaints against foster carers

Bookshop product- 978 1 913384 12 8 - Laura Williams

This practice guide is designed to help practitioners and managers to successfully navigate the complex processes involved in allegations and complaints. Authoritative and thoughtful, it considers not just statutory procedures, but also provides valuable pointers to good practice for fostering staff.

Comparing long term placements for young children in care

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 77 7 - Dominic McSherry, Montserrat Fargas Malet and Kerrylee Weatherall

This book reports on the Care Pathways and Outcomes longitudinal study which, since 2000, has been tracking a group of children who were under the age of five and in care in Northern Ireland on a particular census day, and gathering comparative data on how the children and their parents/carers were coping across the different types of placement provided. The book reports on the most recent phase of the study, which involved interviews with the children and parents/carers on a range of subjects.

Exploring Expertise: Two Good Mums


This session will be presented by birth mum Laura, and adoptive mum Peggy. Together they have written and recorded a blog and a ten part podcast, in which they share their adoption journey; of how, in doing the best for their two boys, they went from strangers to friends.

Parenting Matters: Parenting a child with difficulties in learning caused by trauma

Bookshop product- 978 1 913384 14 2 - Anne Hurley with Kathleen Grace

Children who are looked after or adopted may experience varieties of learning difficulties that are caused by the trauma and disruptive relationships that marked their early lives. These difficulties may exist not just in education, but also in social skills, in children’s ability to relate and attach to others, and to absorb new information. This new title in the Parenting Matters series provides authoritative, clinical guidance for carers and adopters on why these learning difficulties can occur and what can be done about them.

Communicating through play

Bookshop product- 978 1 905664 65 8 - Berni Stringer

This guide describes a wide range of play techniques that are simple to carry out, creative and can be fun. They will help children to talk about their feelings, fears and hopes. Using case examples, the guide shows how workers can become more skilled at observing and encouraging attachment behaviour, more effective in interpreting and communicating assessment findings to adoptive parents, and better able to help carers understand and use these findings in their day-to-day parenting.