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Costs and outcomes of non-infant adoptions

Bookshop product- 978 1 903699 19 5 - Julie Selwyn, Wendy Sturgess, David Quinton and Catherine Baxter

Many adopted children are placed with adoptive families after infancy, following very poor early parenting experiences. However, there has been surprisingly little research undertaken on the outcomes for these children, the financial and emotional costs to adopters, or the costs to children’s services. This study provides a unique opportunity to compare the outcomes for fostered and adopted children and to make recommendations for policy and practice.

Safeguarding Children living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: Learning from case reviews 2007–2019

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 98 4 - Hedy Cleaver and Wendy Rose

This good practice guide is based on a UK-wide study of 52 case reviews concerning 98 children who had died or experienced serious harm while living with foster carers, adopters or special guardians. The study spans a 12-year period and is the first to focus exclusively on reviews of cases of children in alternative family care. Consequently, it shines a spotlight on those issues that are particular to these children – the selection and assessment of their carers; the support both children and carers receive; and the supervision and management of such arrangements.

Safeguarding Children living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: A guide to reflective practice

Bookshop product- 978 1 913384 01 2 - Hedy Cleaver and Wendy Rose

This companion guide draws upon information in the associated Good Practice Guide, 'Safeguarding Children living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: Learning from case reviews 2007–2019' which details the results of a UK-wide study of 52 case reviews concerning 98 children who had died or experienced serious harm while living with foster carers, adopters or special guardians.

The child's legal journey through care

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 90 8 - Shefali Shah

This innovative guide demystifies the law by explaining its application to children’s rights, children’s possible routes through care, and the legal stages of Children Act proceedings. Written in a clear and simple manner, it sets out what practitioners should do to achieve the best outcomes for children while fulfilling what the law requires.

Control freak

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 04 3 - Henrietta Bond

Seventeen-year-old Holly Richards is tough, practical, determined, and has her whole future carefully mapped out. So for her, leaving foster care to move into her own flat should be no problem. This realistic and engrossing novel, the first in a trilogy, for young people is ideal reading for all those over the age of 13, with a care background or not.

Control freak trilogy

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 04 3 - Henrietta Bond

The Control freak trilogy of young adult novels follows Holly Richards, a young care leaver. These fast-paced, entertaining and moving books are aimed at readers aged 13 and over.

Culturally Competent Social Worker


This open course will explore how families’ culture, faith and understanding of harm impacts on their parenting capacity and consider how this should inform assessments, child protection plans and strategies. The workshop will include how the personal values of practitioners could impact on professional judgements and decision-making.

Assessing Adult Relationships


The purpose of this open course is to give participants an opportunity to consider what good practice in assessing adult relationships is, exploring their own values and assumptions and to consider the importance of attachment styles; motivation; sex and sexuality; and loss and infertility.

Alternative family books

Bookshop product-- Multiple

Buy this collection of six books together and find out more about each title

Devising and updating risk assessment and management plans in fostering

Bookshop product- 978 1 913384 02 9 - Paul Adams

Assessing and managing risk is an essential part of ensuring that children in foster care are kept as safe as possible, and is central to the statutory framework and to Ofsted inspection. This practical guide, in association with CoramBAAF’s Form R, is designed to help social workers and foster carers to complete and update individual safeguarding plans for fostered children in England.